The Whole World Awaits!

Hello and welcome to my site!

My name is Neilio, curator of “The Well Traveled Suitcase”. Since I was a kid, I have always been enthralled by the wonders of other countries, cultures, customs and lifestyles, through my Mom’s encouragement (she’s a teacher), the books that I’ve read with sublime photographs and talking to well traveled family and friends, It truly brought an excitement and a sense of adventure from early on, It has become one of my goals that someday, I will go forth and see the beauty and wonders that our world has to offer. Fast forward 40 years later, I have traveled to Europe, Asia, North & South America, Explored and experience many things no book could ever give you! It is never too late to realize your dream of travel.

From the glorious backdrop and architectures of Europe, the pristine beauty of Asia, the rich adventures of North and South America, our world with its diversity has too much to offer and guess what? It is waiting for you! It is true that pursuing an adventure to an unknown land can be intimidating; the people, the culture, the language! (trust me I get it) but you seriously have to ask yourself “If not now, when?”  A lot of us, myself included (initially) have that fear that holds us back to pursue our dream of adventure, it is the call of wanderlust! This is normal, we are humans! The intimidation and fear of the “unknown” are primarily the main factors that keeps us from realizing our dream of travel and its simple pleasures; imagine having a cup of coffee along Champs Elysees and enjoying a rich and freshly baked buttery croissant, or a romantic gondola ride in Venice or a fun ride with the locals in a Vaporetti, how about having a sip of that delicious pineapple coconut rum smoothie on the white beaches of Boracay, lounging under the tropical sun with the shade of the gently swaying coconut leaves rustling in soft ocean breeze… if not now, when?

The ‘What if’s, language barrier, culture and the budget! These “hurdles” are the typical hurdles in our minds even before we do anything about it but I can tell you right now, if you have been dreaming of an adventure, There is no better time to do it than now! With proper planning, research (and savings) add a huge dose of courage and awaken your sense of adventure – you will have the most gratifying and rewarding experience of a lifetime. With thoughtful planning and savings – your dream of adventure is definitely achievable! In a world of 1.35 billion people, 17% of which fluently speaks English and majority understands it even if they have a hard time conveying a response, there is a myriad of solutions to this simple problem; take the time to learn the basic language of your destination (if not English; Hello, Please, Thank you!) and ALWAYS be polite – Good manners is recognized worldwide.

So what are you waiting for? Take that first step, pick your destination, do your research, plan your trip; the places, the restaurants, the “tourist traps” haha you want to see, ask well traveled friends, book it and voila! last thing you know, you are ready to board that airplane for that dream that has now become a reality! Your time has come, don’t let another procrastination hold you back! The only trip you will ever regret in your life, is the one you didn’t take.

Bon Voyage!


When I started travelling and blogging, I started exploring my own backyard, the beautiful United States of America, meaningful road trips to see our back country, National Parks, Historical Trails & Monuments beautifully preserved for our enjoyment but as you drive into our endless interstates and pass by town after town, you just feel the call of wanderlust – to explore more than just our very own “backyard” the mission is to help you see that there is so much beauty in this world and so much magnificence to enrich our lives. I hope that through this site, you’ll get inspired, get to see and experience life vicariously and help you live and realize your own travel dreams.


My goal is to help simplify and help you find your dream destination, connect you to the right travel partners, help you plan ahead and get you on your way! Cruise on the Rhein, a romantic walk by the Eiffel Tower or a serene boat cruise on the Seine, a luxurious boat ride enjoying the splendor of Venice through it’s many lagoons and waterways. There is no better moment to realize your dream to travel than the now! The world is waiting, travel while you can! I can assure you that no book could ever describe the feeling of seeing the Grand edifices of Italy or France, nor any photographs can describe the magnificent architectures of Europe, the Grandeur of the Swiss Alps, The pristine crystal waters of Southeast Asia or the beautiful wilderness of North America – This is your time! Let me help you get there!

All the best,

Neilio Gonzales

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